L'Arche Canada | Français

Preparing End of Life

This section looks at the “final journey” and provides tools for end of life planning, including funeral or memorial services. It also offers personal testimonials of good practices during this time in people’s lives.

L’Arche believes that preparing well for one’s death is an act of love. Good preparation can help those left behind focus on celebrating life. L’Arche celebrates in thanksgiving for the gift of the person in our lives and community. We name ways that this person has made a difference in our lives and in the world.

The life of each person has value and dignity and the stories of others who have gone before us can provide an example against which we can model our own lives and passing.


As one ages an end of life plan, that allows people to express their wishes for their care, their estate and their funeral and burial, is an important step. The following is a description of an end of life plan developed by two members of L’Arche Vancouver.
Two end of life testimonials: “Cecile’s capacity to speak about death matter-of-factly and peacefully pushed the rest of us to grow. She was able to ask us questions that helped us think about death.” “Following Bill’s wishes was a way of really honouring this great and humble man.”
Saying Good-Bye: Remembering, Celebrating, Memorializing. Some practices:

Several sources of legal and administrative information exist on the topic of death.
Here you will find a “pastoral” or spiritual guide to help you reflect and prepare for this final passage.
You will find several practical details that you may wish to note. Your notes could help those who remain after your death to prepare your funeral and liturgy.

Tool to help people with intellectual disabilities plan their end of life and how they wish to be remembered

Dying is the most general human event, something we all have to do.
But do we do it well?
Can it somehow become an act of fulfillment, perhaps more human than any other human act?

We, at L’Arche, believe that preparing well for one’s death is an act of love. Good preparation can also help those you leave behind to focus on celebrating your life.
The Celebration Booklet along with this accompanying power point provide tools for reflection and preparation for a person’s final journey.

Resources and Links

Government of Canada, Ontario and Municipalities (English/French)

  • succession, what to do following a death, funerals

Government of Manitoba (English/French)

  • funeral and cemetery services-glossary of terms
  • frequently asked questions

Government of Alberta (English)age booklet published by the Government of Alberta, Alberta Seniors and Community Supports deals with the practical and legal aspects of dying (funerals, burial, wills, estates, paperwork, etc.) and provides helpful information plus references and checklists.

  • Saying Farewell: This 36-page booklet published by the Government of Alberta, Alberta Seniors and Community Supports deals with the practical and legal aspects of dying (funerals, burial, wills, estates, paperwork, etc.) and provides helpful information plus references and checklists.

Funeral Cooperatives Of Quebec  (French)

  • succession, what to do following a death, funerals

France Obseques Liberté (French)

  • exhaustive documentation on funerals, includes information on funerals in different religious traditions

Lasting Gifts (English)

  • Manual “Lasting Gifts: Living with Intention, Dying in Peace” (Kim Ebert-Colella and Shannon Harder Ronald) ISBN 978-1-60402-130-1
    Excellent tool for end of life planning, funerals and services, resources. Contains forms for a variety of topics (family, medical, financial, legal, etc.)


Books Beyond Words  (any language)
Series of very well illustrated pictorial books that can be used for any language:

  • When Dad Died deals with death, grief, burial. When Mom Died deals with death, grief and cremation.

More Than Inclusion: Honouring the Contributions of People with Developmental Disabilities
ISBN 0-9738067-1-0

  • chapter on ending life well is of particular interest

Aging: The Fulfillment of Life (Henri Nouwen and W. Gaffney) ISBN 0-385-00918-6

  • an inspirational look at how to live the later years as a source of hope rather than loneliness

Our Greatest Gift: A Meditation on Dying and Caring (Henri Nouwen)
ISBN 978-0-06-180026-9

  • a personal look at aging, loss, grief and fear


“We need, in love,
To practice only this;
Letting each other go.
For holding on comes easily;
We do not need to learn it.
“Requiem for a Friend”
Rainer Maria Rilke